3 mins read

Pros & Cons of Bond Funds

A bond fund–sometimes referred to as an income fund–is a type of investment that uses pooled money from a number of investors to purchase interest-bearing or dividend-producing securities. These investments include government or corporate bonds, bank certificates of deposit, preferred stock and commercial paper, according to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. There are significant advantages and disadvantages to investing in bond funds.

3 mins read

Investment Plans for Kids

Even before your little one is born, you start to worry about her future. The expenses that children have — especially large ones like college — can quickly add up, so it’s smart to look into investment plans for kids. When you invest small amounts regularly, those investments can grow into a much larger amount of money for your child’s future.

5 mins read

New Tra-Dish: Mini Pizza Pot Pies

The following post is sponsored byRagPut a fun new spin on a classic recipe and make a New Tra-Dish! This one comes from Christi over at The Frugal Novice, who put a twist onRag’sUpside-Down Deep Dish Pizza.The result: a recipe for Mini Pizza Pot Pies that looks so good, we can’t wait to try it ourselves!Check out her post below:We love to cook in our house …

2 mins read

What’s Your Coffee Ritual?

The following post is sponsored byStarbucksThis post comes from Reesa, founder of the parenting and family blog Momma Lew:It seems like memories are always made over a cup of coffee. And it seems coffee always is apart of some sort of ritual.My children and I have had a Tuesday morning ritual since my son was about 18 months old – So for over four years now. We love going to Pottery Barn …