2 mins read

Ways to Create an IRA

Starting an individual retirement account can seem like a daunting task; however, if you have money to invest and want to save for retirement, it is a viable option. Understanding the difference in the three ways to start an IRA can help you choose the option that is best for you.

5 mins read

Best Careers for Single Moms

Single moms usually need jobs that offer some degree of flexibility along with being able to earn enough income to support their families. While some industries suit the needs of a single parent better than others, the tradeoff for more flexible working hours is often accepting a lower salary. Fortunately, there are professions such as working in real estate, sales, public relations, education or health care, which allow a mom going it alone to be available for her children and earn a decent living besides.

10 mins read

Raising Money-Wise Kids

Parents call my radio show all the time and say, “Dave, my teenager thinks money grows on trees. What do I do?” “Dave, we’re still supporting our 25 year old son, what do we do?” “Dave, how do I teach my kids about money?” Read on; I’ll show you. …