2 mins read

How to Track Your Fertility Cycle

Tracking your fertility cycle can be used as both a natural form of birth control and to increase your chances of becoming pregnant. Women are most fertile the day of and five days before ovulation. This is because an egg only survives about 24 hours, while sperm can live for up to five days. Some methods are not for the squeamish, but they do give valuable information about your fertility cycle. Doctors even use these signs to help discover potential fertility problems.

3 mins read

Healthy Meal Ideas for Children

Obese children are more likely to encounter adult medical issues, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. High blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis and sleep apnea are among the ailments most commonly associated with childhood obesity. Healthy eating is essential to a healthy lifestyle. Providing healthy meals for your child can help teach him to make healthy choices as a teen and adult.