2 mins read

Four Filling Fiber Foods

Fiber. It’s one of those things that sometimes escapes the mind when thinking of nutritious essentials, but it’s darn important! It’s a special type of carbohydrate found mainly on the outer layer of plants that helps fuel the body. Why so unique? Well, it passes through the human digestive system nearly unchanged–that’s right, it never breaks down.

2 mins read

High Fiber Diet & Probiotics

Dietary fiber, or roughage, includes parts of plant foods that your body is unable to digest or absorb. The average adult consumes around 10 to 15 grams of fiber daily. The recommended amount is 20 to 35 grams. Varying your diet to include cereals, legumes, fruits, vegetables and whole grains will help ensure that you get the optimal amount of fiber for good digestive health. Probiotics, or good bacteria, also assist with digestion by fighting harmful bacteria.