3 mins read

Organization Tips for a Child’s Bedroom

A child’s bedroom is a place to slumber, to play, to create and to enjoy quiet time. Organize a child’s bedroom based on the child’s current needs and interests. Organizational furniture and storage units should not be selected based on functionality. Before organizing the child’s bedroom, remove all items. Clean windows and wash curtains. Repaint the walls to give the room a fresh start. Donate or give away any old items which the child no longer needs or uses.

4 mins read

How to Change a Baby

Changing a baby seems like it should come easily, but it often doesn’t. Babies are squirmy, wiggly little creatures who may not want to cooperate with diaper changes. A few simple tricks can make changes easier, faster and more pleasant for you and your baby. Keep your baby safe, comfortable and clean with good planning, organization and a playful attitude.