2 mins read

How to Wear Contact Lenses Correctly

Contact lenses free you from glasses, which makes exercise and even chasing after kids easier. They’re worn right against your eye, so as you can imagine, they have the potential to damage your eyes or cause serious infection if you don’t wear and handle them correctly. Once you get the process down and make it a habit, it only takes you a few minutes per day to care for your contacts and to keep your eyes safe.

3 mins read

Getting Free Birth Control for Teens

Free birth control is available for teens who seek it. Whether the teen is sexually active, considering becoming sexually active or simply wants to get a handle on her menstrual cycle, birth control is probably a good idea. Most teens don’t have the money to pay for birth control, which can lead to unplanned pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases, some of which are irreversible. Let your teen know how she can get birth control, even if you can’t stomach the thought of her needing it.