2 mins read

Use the Web to Preserve Memories & Keep the Family Organized

Ever wish there was a one-stop-shop for organizing everything important in your life? If you’re like us, you have boxes and piles of photos and kids’ artwork everywhere. Now is the time to finally conquer the clutter.With hardcopies becoming virtually obsolete, getting online can help you organize your family in ways you never imagined. Nowadays you can scan or email anything to your computer, from your kid’s first preschool fingerpainting to your receipts, and upload it onto a helpful site that will organize all this info for you!

4 mins read

Back To Basics, Creating An Original Christmas

It is kinda amazing to me at how fast the holiday season comes and goes, especially the older I get. Last week it was just another sunny day in Los Angeles and the next day it is a winter wonderland. It is as if Santa Clause flew over the city one night and barfed up everything Christmas, from the holiday cups at my favorite coffee establishment, to the street decorations and the shinning lights, to the huge Christmas tree at The Grove shopping complex, and Kenny G Christmas music being played over and over again on the radio. Let me make myself clear though, I am in no

8 mins read

Cue Sticks: Getting Started in Your Own Business

Some people know what their calling is at a very young age and that passion just sticks with them for life. Nancy Shapiro was born to teach. Now, she’s turned that gift of helping others into a business calledCue Sticks.Through Cue Sticks, Nancy teaches the power of positive thinking. Cue Sticks are daily reminders that come in the form of either a temporary tattoo or a sticker.

7 mins read

10 Summer Activities to Supercharge Your College Application Before Sophomore Year!

Congratulations on finishing your freshman year! As you move into your sophomore year of high school, here are 10 important steps you can take during the summer to enhance your college application: 1. Assess Your Interests and Goals: Start by reflecting on your academic interests and career aspirations. Identify areas you are passionate about and…