7 mins read

Show Me The Coupons!

Okay, so I admit it, I was never a big coupon lady. I blame it on the notion that I might have ADHD and looking for coupons just seemed like it would take that difficult word I struggle to have. Whats it called again? Oh yeah, patience. But its a whole new world out there. Couponing no longer requires such extreme patience and planning. Just click and print, baby. (And Im working …

3 mins read

A Run-In With Mrs. McJudgerson

Julie Cole is the co-founding VP of Mabels Labels, the leading provider of labels for the stuff kids lose! Like her on Facebook – Mabel’s Labels or follow on Twitter @juliecole and @mabelhood

12 mins read

21 Ways To Declutter Your Head

So I woke up at 5:30 am on Sunday morning, stomach in knots and pretty anxiety-ridden. This upcoming week is a big one. I just launched The Erica Diamond Jewelry Collection for Ice, I’m missing back-to-school on Wednesday to shoot a TV segment out of town, and just the general mommyhood, wifehood and life duties are swirling around in my already-cluttered brain.