4 mins read

Prevention of Heart Disease in Women

Crushing chest pain and pressure might clearly signal a heart attack in men, but women report different symptoms that accompany heart problems. Certain circumstances in particular put women at greater risk for heart disease, and learning symptoms and warning signs can help prevent serious problems.

3 mins read

What Are the Risks of High Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a greasy substance generally made in the liver from the fat deposits that come from food. It travels through the body by means of molecules in the blood called lipoproteins. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) are the two types of lipoproteins. LDL (bad cholesterol) transports the cholesterol from the liver to the cells while HDL (good cholesterol) works the other way around by flushing cholesterol from the cell and back to the liver. It is important to keep the level of cholesterol normal to avoid complications that may lead to serious illnesses.

3 mins read

Building a Savings Accounts

Experts say that individuals should have a year’s worth of living expenses stuffed into their savings account in case of an emergency. It’s hard to imagine saving just a few months’ worth of pay–much less an entire year’s worth. However, there are some easy methods you can use to build a savings account that will continually draw interest and will be there in case of an emergency.