4 mins read

Breastfeeding Do’s and Don’ts

The American Academy of Pediatrics has been urging mothers to breastfeed their baby for a minimum of 6 months, but there has been a lot of press recently with woman complaining that 6 months is way too difficult. Some say that they are feeling “pressured” to breastfeed and consequently not enjoying the breastfeeding experience. Or they feel “guilty” if they decide to stop breastfeeding before the sixth month mark.

6 mins read

Brooke Burke: Planes, Ships and Parasails

I recently worked on a family vacation campaign with Embassy Suites about how to plan a family trip thats enjoyable for everyone and how the hotel you choose can make or break a family getaway. I think its fair to say the same about the company you keep. We all know that when it comes to family we dont get to choose but there are ways to make a family vacation with the …

8 mins read

Mortified: A Novel About Oversharing

Meredith O’Brien, a longtime ModernMom contributor, explores the idea of blogging – and where to draw the line between sharing personal anecdotes and overharing in her new novel. Below is an adapted excerpt from Mortified: A Novel About Oversharing by Meredith OBrien (used with permission from Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing, Inc. 2013):

3 mins read

Post-Pregnancy Plastic Surgery

It is no secret that mothers have to sacrifice a great deal during and after pregnancy. A new baby brings with it, in addition to unspeakable joy, many changes for the family, and particularly for the mother. However, not a lot of attention is always given to the fact that some of these changes are physical. The fact is, a mothers body generally changes a great deal over the course of, and following a pregnancy. This can often lead mothers to feel differently about themselves once they have had children, and perhaps to lose some confidence in their bodies.