7 mins read

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas + What She REALLY Doesn’t Want

Mothers truly embody dedication, working tirelessly around the clock without breaks, sick days, or pay. According to Investopedia, stay-at-home moms might log an average of 98 hours per week, equivalent to an annual salary of $178,000 if they were compensated for their extensive roles. And let's be fair, most of us, I think, would be…

3 mins read

Painful Intercourse During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, many couples express concerns about whether intercourse is safe. According to the March of Dimes, intercourse during pregnancy is completely safe for most women. Unfortunately, the experience for many mothers-to-be is anything but pleasurable. Finding out the causes of painful intercourse during pregnancy can help resolve your discomfort.

9 mins read

Fall is the New Spring

We’re one month into autumn. School and work and life schedules have reverted to some sort of “normal” structure. Sweaters and suits have come out of closets to replace bikinis and sunglasses. Leaves are changing from green to red, gold, and brown, or, depending on where you are, have already begun to fall. There’s a…

2 mins read

Six Ways To Celebrate Major Events And Socially Distance

In this time of social distancing and self-isolation, it’s more important than ever to stay in touch with family and friends and celebrate the happy things in life. Here are some suggestions for virtually celebrating Mother’s Day, birthdays, and graduation! Mother’s Day Crafts While you might not be able to make it out to your…

3 mins read

Effects of Having HPV While Pregnant

The human papillomavirus, or HPV, is a common sexually transmitted disease. As many as three-fourths of women will get the virus sometime in their life, though there may be no signs. You may know that you had the virus before you got pregnant, or you may learn about it when you get an abnormal pap smear at your first prenatal appointment.