3 mins read

The Autism Walk – Take Six

I recently completed my sixth turn as the Volunteer Chair for the Walk Now for Autism Speaks Los Angeles Walk. This position is a committee position and I have to organize and post 300 volunteers for walk day.

4 mins read

Trapped Inside the “Mom Bubble”

I love being a writer, but one of the hardest things about my job is that I do it alone, in my house, all day long. If it were not for my children and their after-school activities, I am quite sure that weeks would go by in which I wouldnt actually speak to another living soul.

4 mins read

Why I Hate The F-Word

Excuse me for ranting, but I have no choice. This isn’t personal, it’s purely business. There are a few operating procedures concerning the business of Mommyhood that (in my opinion) need to be fixed. I say this, because I love us.