2 mins read

How Effective Are Early Pregnancy Tests?

Whether you are excited or worried about the possibility of being pregnant, knowing that you can take an early pregnancy test can end the wondering. If you suspect that you are pregnant with symptoms, such as a missed period, breast tenderness, a sore back, nausea or fatigue, you might want to pick up an early pregnancy test or make an appointment with your doctor to make sure.

2 mins read

Can Birth Control Pills Affect Pregnancy Tests?

Home pregnancy tests can tell you, with a high degree of accuracy, if you’re expecting when used appropriately at the right time after a skipped period. Although a rare occurrence, pregnancy tests may give you a false positive result if you’re taking certain medications. The Mayo Clinic indicates that birth control pills aren’t a medication that gives you misleading results.

1 min read

Breast Cancer Gene: Should You be Tested?

In the fight against breast cancer, there’s a new tool that can help with early detection: genetic testing. Along with annual mammograms and monthly breast self-exams, women who are at high risk for breast cancer may be advised by their physician to consider genetic testing for the two breast cancer genes, BRCA1 or BRCA2. Here are some red flags that could indicate you should consider getting tested:

1 min read

Why are More Teens Abusing ADHD Drugs?

According to the New York Times, pressure over grades and college admission has escalated to the point that many students are using prescription stimulants like Adderall and Ritalin to help them study. Around 40 students, school officials and parents agreed to be interviewed for an article about the abuse of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder medications to help them concentrate and fare better on tests and gain entrance to top colleges.