Search Results for: easily understand
The One Thing I’ll Never Understand About My Son
When I was a kid, I pretty much loved school. Learning was fun for me, probably because it came easily and because I did well. I never broke the rules, I never got in trouble, I did what I was told, and I loved the praise and the positive feedback that I got from my teachers. My husband, too, was a similar kind of student. As adults, we relate to each other in terms of …
Children With Special Needs: Understanding Idioms
My autistic child is a very literal thinker. He is much more comfortable with the concrete; numbers, exact measurements, details about preferred topics, and proper names of things. Numbers are especially satisfying to him. He is confident with the concrete.
Understanding Men’s Emotional Baggage
As a woman, you can easily understand when your female friends suffer from emotional difficulties. Unlike your female relationships, dealing with your husband’s emotions may make you frustrated and confused. Like women, men often experience bouts of anger, sadness and depression. However, men may display their emotions differently, causing you to wonder why he acts the way he does and wondering what you can do to help him deal with his emotional baggage.
Understanding the Moods of Men
While men often say that women are complicated, the same could be said about them. At times, it’s pretty difficult to understand why men feel a certain way, act a certain way and say different things. If you’re a woman that is constantly trying to figure out her man’s moods, you are not alone. Millions of women are in the same boat.
Online Learning Resources: What to Consider
Now that my son is in kindergarten at a digital school, my family and I are becoming more exposed to online learning resources.