3 mins read

Great On-The-Go Summer Snacks

As registered dietitians and personal trainers, we encourage our clients to contact us when theyre in a bind and need support and guidance. So we werent surprised when our client Melissa, who was away with her family in Palm Springs, contacted us. She was panicked; she claimed she was reverting to her old ways, snacking on Cheez-Its and Combos, and allowing her family to do the same. Her plan while she was away was to snack on unprocessed, wholesome snacks

2 mins read

Recipe for Piccadilly BBQ Meatloaf

Everyone has a favorite meatloaf recipe, but, for people who have had the BBQ Meatloaf entree once offered at Piccadilly Cafeteria, the unique Piccadilly twist on this American classic may be their top choice. The Piccadilly Cafeteria, a chain of 115 cafeteria-style restaurants stretching across 15 states, first opened in 1944 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Since that time, the restaurants have worked to stay true to their original mission: to provide wholesome, home-style meals at an affordable price for families. Their BBQ Meatloaf is no exception. This recipe features a basic template for you to produce a Piccadilly BBQ Meatloaf at home, complete with your own personal twists.

3 mins read

How to Eat Naturally to Have a Healthy Pregnancy

Although you may already consider yourself healthy and fit, pregnancy encourages many women to take a good look at their diet and food choices. Because your baby depends on you for all his needs, including his nutrition, you may want to make some changes to your diet. Eating healthy, natural foods can increase your physical condition while meeting your baby’s nutritional needs. Create a positive environment for your baby’s first nine months of life by choosing wholesome foods.

3 mins read

3 Ingredient Oatmeal Walnut Cookies

Ya know when you just score?  That's the way we feel about these cookies.  As moms and registered dietitians, these cookies seriously couldn't be better.  They are made with three, simple and healthy ingredients and are super fast to make.  They feel like a treat, but they're so healthy that they make a nourishing snack. …