4 mins read

Is Infertility Plaguing You? Know Your Options!

According to The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Infertility is a disease that affects more than 7.3 million Americans, or 1 in 8 couples of childbearing age. The diagnosis of infertility is often very overwhelming for patients. Not only are they faced with the news that conceiving a child is only possible through medical treatment, they are also presented with information that is totally new to them. New medical jargon along with recommendations for treatments and tests that are completely unfamiliar can be very intimidating for the newly diagnosed.

3 mins read

Most Effective Way to Get Rid of Love Handles

While the term “love handle” may sound positive, many possessors of these physical features don’t find them so desirable. This extra bulk around the midsection can make a major physical difference, causing garments to fit less flatteringly and your silhouette to lack the sleek, smooth look you desire. Although these waistline additions are often challenging to get rid of, with dedication to the task, you can reduce the size, and maybe even ultimately get rid of, your undesirable extra bulk.

3 mins read

Most Effective Way to Potty Train a Toddler

Potty training is a rite of passage for toddlers. Between the ages of 2 to 3, most children are ready to begin potty training. With the right tools, tips and tricks, effective potty training can be accomplished in as few as three to five days. While there are many ways to potty train a toddler, the most effective way results in less frustration for both the parents and the child.

3 mins read

Is Microdermabrasion Safe & Effective?

If you don’t want to worry about a cosmetic procedure that takes a lot of time, microdermabrasion may be the ideal treatment to rejuvenate a dull complexion. In the hands of skilled dermatologist, microdermabrasion is quite safe. However, microdermabrasion’s effectiveness depends on the cosmetic concerns you wish to address–and the results you expect from this treatment.