7 mins read

10 Summer Activities to Supercharge Your College Application Before Sophomore Year!

Congratulations on finishing your freshman year! As you move into your sophomore year of high school, here are 10 important steps you can take during the summer to enhance your college application: 1. Assess Your Interests and Goals: Start by reflecting on your academic interests and career aspirations. Identify areas you are passionate about and…

3 mins read

Activities to Promote Self-Esteem in Girls

A girl’s self-esteem often decreases significantly in the preteen years, when body image becomes a primary focus. Media images, comparisons with friends and everyday stresses chip away at the average girl’s self-image. Activities to build self-esteem can help girls face these issues either in a group instructional setting or individually at home.

2 mins read

Road Safety Activities for Kids

Adults understand the potential danger from cars whizzing down the street, but children don’t always perceive the potential for serious injury or even death. This leaves them open to risk, whether they’re walking to school, playing near the road or riding bikes with friends. Road safety activities give kids a chance to practice road rules in a controlled environment.

2 mins read

Activities That Teach Kids

Almost any activity you do with your child can be an opportunity for him to learn something. Taking your child shopping can help him learn to add amounts or to select healthy food. Cooking with your child can teach him basic chemistry as well as how to be safe when handling sharp or hot items. Look for teaching moments in everyday activities you do with your children as well as planning special activities.