4 mins read

Different Foods to Eat During Pregnancy at Different Stages

Proper nutrition is one of the pivotal considerations in maintaining a healthy pregnancy. While your baby is undergoing rapid development and growth, your own body is changing at an alarming rate, nurturing not one, but two people. Ideally, your pregnancy diet should consist of a wide range of healthy foods, but certain stages of pregnancy call for extra doses of specific nutrients.

4 mins read

What is the Best Natural Colon Cleanser?

If you have been surfing the Internet or flipping the TV channels recently, you might be developing a concern for your colon. Natural colon cleanse marketers assert that years of accumulated waste can make you sick, causing dire diseases such as cancer. They also say that there could be parasites in your bowels. Medical experts explain what you need to know about colon cleansing, as well as why the best natural colon cleanser is a plan you can implement at home.

2 mins read

Acai Berry & Weight Loss

The simple truth is that if you want to lose weight, you need to eat fewer calories than you burn. This doesn’t stop millions of people from looking for fast and easy solutions–or the companies that can profit off these people. Most recently, companies have touted the acai berry as a miracle fruit for weight loss.

4 mins read

Mood Boosting Foods for Perinatal Depression

As the saying goes, You are what you eat. Never is that truer than when youre pregnant or nursing for both you and your baby. Pregnancy and new parenthood is a time to really focus on taking the best care of yourself since youre now providing for two (or more!). Yet, even with the best intentions, many women struggle with being healthy when dealing with perinatal depression. 10-20% of women experience depression during pregnancy (antepartum depression), while according to Postpartum Support International, 1in 8 women suffer from postpartum depression. Thankfully, there are many treatment options available including therapy, medication and support groups. (Please talk to your health care provider). But what about the foods you eat? Using food as medicine by increasing your diet with natural mood boosters is one piece of the treatment puzzle to consider. What to put on your plate? Read on