4 mins read

Natural Remedies to Increase Sperm Count

When you have decided to get pregnant, the last thing you want to hear is that your man is having problems with his low sperm count. It will now take months longer than typical to get pregnant and the tensions in your relationship may begin to rise as the result of extra tensions. Fortunately, there are several natural remedies available to increase sperm count, thus limiting your wait to get pregnant.

2 mins read

Guide for Healthy Weight Gain in Pregnancy

Everyone knows that weight gain during pregnancy is inevitable, but even the most seasoned moms may not quite understand just how much is too much during pregnancy. Avoiding excessive weight gain during your pregnancy will not only help you during the birthing process, but it will also make it much easier for you to regain your pre-pregnancy shape after delivering your baby.

3 mins read

Excessive Weight Loss After Pregnancy

While many women may struggle to lose weight and regain their pre-pregnancy shape, other new mothers may shed pounds quickly. The rate at which you lose your pregnancy weight can affect your health and the health of your breastfeeding baby. Very rapid weight loss may signal the presence of postpartum depression, or baby blues. Notify your doctor if you experience any unusual postpartum symptoms such as excessive weight loss, loss of appetite or frequent crying spells.

3 mins read

Normal Weight to Gain During Pregnancy

Weight gain is one of the most noticeable and dreaded parts of pregnancy. It can be difficult to watch your stomach expand as you grow rapidly out of your once favorite jeans. To make your pregnancy weight gain less painful and to assist you in snapping back to your weight before you became pregnant educate yourself on the basics of pregnancy weight gain and take strides to minimize unnecessarily weight gain.

3 mins read

Excessive Pregnancy Weight Gain

You may be eating for two and craving pickles and ice cream, but pregnancy isn’t a weight gain free-for-all. Sure, you’ll have to gain weight to support your growing baby, but excessive pregnancy weight gain can cause problems for you and your baby. Knowing how much you should gain and how to keep your baby weight under control can add up to a healthy pregnancy.