1 min read

Finding Happiness: The Power of Connection

Similar to my son and I having regular Mommy-son 20 minutes, my husband and I do the same. Only our 20 minutes comes in the form of an evening soak in the tub directly following the kids bedtime. In that space there are no distractions. Simply the 2 of us talking about our day, about whatever is on our mind, about our dreams. It is 20 minutes of powerful one on one connection.

4 mins read

Why Drinking Water Is More Important Than You Think

Moms have a big health challenge these days. Between the latest sugared beverages and the tempting bubbly sodas, its hard to convince your kids (and yourself!) to drink water. But the benefits of staying hydrated with pure, clean water are endless. Heres why you should make an effort to commit to a healthy lifestyle and drink water. If you lead by example, your family might just follow suit. Weve also included some great tips to make drinking water throughout the day easy!

2 mins read

Behavioral Problems in Children of Alcoholics

Three conditions must exist for a person to be an alcoholic, according to the American Psychiatric Association. They are physiological problems, such as hand tremors or blackouts, psychological problems, such as an obsession with drinking and behavioral problems that interfere with living a normal life. An alcoholic in the family can completely disrupt family life, causing harmful effects to children that can last a lifetime.