2 mins read

Obesity Clinics for Children

Childhood obesity sets the stage for adult health issues including diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and specific cancers. Obesity is diagnosed when a child’s weight is far above what is acceptable for his height. Obese children often suffer from anxiety and depression. Finding an appropriate childhood obesity clinic can help your child regain his self-esteem and lose the weight, thereby putting him on the road to a lifetime of better health.

5 mins read

Sleeping and Feeding Tips For New Moms

This post is in with partnership with Mirum. There's nothing more exciting or terrifying as becoming a mother. When that doctor puts your newborn in your arms for the first time, it's the most incredible and indescribable moment. But what happens after you leave the hospital? You get home and realize you now have to…

5 mins read

Eating For Quality When Pregnant

There is a common misconception while pregnant, that eating for two means you need to consume more food. While pregnant you only need 250 -300 more calories then you do before you were pregnant. Chances are if you are eating a typical American diet you are getting way over the daily calories needed even without a baby growing inside. Instead of worrying about eating enough food, focus more on its value. Everything you put in your mouth goes right into your babys development, forming the structure from which they will grow. The healthier you eat the better you will feel and the stronger your body will be to support your pregnancy. You can shift your awareness simply asking yourself these two questions: How is this food feeding me? How is this fueling my babys development?

3 mins read

Best and Worst Holiday Foods & Drinks

The parties and family functions offer unbelievably delicious foods that make your mouth water just thinking about them! But, just because the holidays are here doesnt mean you should throw out all of your hard work throughout the year. This year, with a little self-control and knowledge about the right choices, you can avoid the holiday bulge! Here are some of the best and worst holiday foods.