2 mins read

Happy Memories

Life Is Bout Making Happy Memories – My dear and wise friend Another great weekend in Malibu. Shaya is officially a swimmer now, and Rain is totally safe! We decided to cram in a bunch of swimming lessons in the past few weeks to be sure they are both water safe. What a relief. Im not sure who is prouder of Shaya- David and me or SHAYA!

7 mins read

Teen Talk

Calling all teens! We're excited to share a contributor volunteer opportunity at modernmom.com with you!Teens! Share to help others just like you! Are you passionate about writing or other forms of creative content creation (video, recipes, photos, or something else!) and eager to express your thoughts, opinions, and important perspectives on topics that matter to…

6 mins read

The Secret to a Happy Marriage

In this day and age, a happy marriage seems harder to come by than a four leaf clover. In fact, considering the divorce rate is at 50 percent and the reality that there are plenty of unsatisfied couples out there, a happy marriage sometimes seems like an unattainable ideal. But, we know that while the stats seem scary, there are plenty of couples out there who are truly making it work. Theyre in satisfying, loving, committed and successful marriages. So, we asked our Twitter followers and Facebook Friends, whats your secret to a happy marriage?