15 mins read

ModernMom’s Guidelines for Our Valued Content Contributors

At Modern Mom, our core values revolve around leaving a positive impact on the world, treating others as we'd like to be treated, and serving as role models for our children, nurturing the next generation to become exceptional individuals. We welcome you as part of our valued and vibrant community of thoughtful, brilliant content creators.…

6 mins read

My Untold Story and Wish For Every Child – Brooke Burke

Every time you ‘like’ and share this post, Johnson & Johnson will donate $1 (per social action), up to $350,000, via the Global Moms Relay, to help improve the health and well-being of families worldwide in support of Shot@Life, Girl Up, Peace Corps Let Girls Learn Fund, U.S. Fund for UNICEF and Nothing But Nets. More below! My nana experienced…

2 mins read

How to Handle a Difficult Child

Much to the chagrin of parents who must tackle controlling them, some strong-willed children show neither a desire nor a willingness to comply with directions. If your child has these traits, you may find that the simplest requests are met with resistance. You can manage your difficult child more effectively by employing a few simple techniques.

2 mins read

How to Talk to Your Kids About Sex Without Completely Freaking Them Out

Although you may enjoy teaching your kids lessons about their environment and scholastic subjects, teaching them about sex can have you sweating bullets. As a parent, you can share your values and knowledge on this touchy subject, without causing them to freak out and run for cover. Like various other subjects, sex education begins at an early age and continues as they grow and mature. Encourage openness and trust by approaching this subject with confidence and understanding.