6 mins read

Meat Or Not To Eat? The Great Food Dilemma

Let me first of all say that as a rule, I try not to kill spiders, ants, etc.I will kill a mosquito but that is simply survival of the fittest (I was eaten alive when I was in Minnesota this summer and it wasnt pretty). That being said, sometimes my instinct is to simply squash an annoying l

8 mins read

Become a MOMPreneur

So it’s 2011. Maybe your kids are all in school now, and maybe you’ve decided that this is the year you’re going to get creative – in every sense of the word. Maybe you’ve decided that you’re going to get off the fence and contribute to society. That’s you’re going to contribute to your household income.

7 mins read

Let's Talk About Sex, Baby!

No, were not talking sex with your partner. Were talking sexuality and your kids. For me, I can now see loud and clear, that my nudist colony days in this house are good and over. My hubby has been telling me this for three years now, but I have always insisted that repressing sexuality only leads to more repression. I didnt see anything wrong with the boys seeing mommy undressed until yesterday. Now I do.

7 mins read

A Tale of Travel

I know todays Blog post is not very On The Fence, but yesterday was nothing short of a scene out of Bloopers, and a must-share for my Mommy readers. Plus hey, Im the boss around here, so today, were off the fence! Look out for my next post on The Dark Side of Friendship, coming soon. Oooh.