2 mins read

High Fiber Diet & Probiotics

Dietary fiber, or roughage, includes parts of plant foods that your body is unable to digest or absorb. The average adult consumes around 10 to 15 grams of fiber daily. The recommended amount is 20 to 35 grams. Varying your diet to include cereals, legumes, fruits, vegetables and whole grains will help ensure that you get the optimal amount of fiber for good digestive health. Probiotics, or good bacteria, also assist with digestion by fighting harmful bacteria.

3 mins read

High Fiber Diet Ideas

A high-fiber diet offers many health benefits. A high-fiber diet may lower cholesterol, help relieve constipation and assist in weight loss. According to the Mayo Clinic, adding dietary fiber may decrease the risk for heart disease and diabetes. Foods high in fiber also offer other healthy nutrients that will contribute to a healthier lifestyle. The many high-fiber food choices make it easy to add to your diet.