8 mins read

Mortified: A Novel About Oversharing

Meredith O’Brien, a longtime ModernMom contributor, explores the idea of blogging – and where to draw the line between sharing personal anecdotes and overharing in her new novel. Below is an adapted excerpt from Mortified: A Novel About Oversharing by Meredith OBrien (used with permission from Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing, Inc. 2013):

7 mins read

Forget Facebook: The Sexting Apps Parents Need To Know

As a child, I remember hearing the ominous male voice on the TV commercial asking parents:It’s 10 PM. Do you know where your children are? These day, its a little easier to track our kids whereabouts with the help of smart phones and GPS. What we parents dont always know, however, is where our kids our hanging out online.Ill be the first to admit that I cant keep …