5 mins read

10 Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy

Its clear that gaining the right amount of weight during pregnancy involves eating a healthy and well-balanced diet so that your baby gets all the nutrients he or she needs to grow in a healthy way.Weight GainIn general, you will need to consume up to 300 more calories a day to meet the needs of your growing baby. Ideally you want to gain about 2 to 4 pounds during your first three …

3 mins read

List of Foods That a Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Can Eat

Lacto-ovo vegetarians do not eat meat, poultry or fish, but do eat eggs and dairy. Eating a diet that is high enough in nutrients is a concern for some vegetarians. If you are a vegan, you do not eat any animal products including dairy and eggs, so getting enough protein and calcium takes some dietary planning. Lacto-ovo vegetarians get protein from the dairy and eggs they eat, but women still need to pay attention to getting enough iron in their diet.

2 mins read

6 Best Foods to Eat After Baby

Ok, new mommys, listen up! I went from weighing in at about 162 lbs at nine monthspregnant, down toweighingin at 122 lbs as of yesterday. That’s right – I lost 40 lbs of baby weight in 3.5 months (Noella will be four months old in two weeks). I have compiled a list of the 6 Best Foods to Eat After Baby. Whether your goal is to lose weight, produce more breast milk, or just plain get healthy; this list is for you!