6 mins read

7 Ways to Make Your Kids Feel Safer

The threats we face as a nation are real, but they shouldn’t be paralyzing. For too long, those like me in the security world have done much to get you worried -- ISIS, Zika, random gun violence, hurricanes, oh my . . . – but not much to get you ready. We’ve managed to talk…

7 mins read

Obsession with Our Children’s Happiness Could Doom Them

Ive been doing it all wrong.This whole parenting gig.Seriously. After I read the cover story of the July/August issue of The Atlantic, which told parents that if youre focusing on trying to make your kids happy youre likely gearing them up for future therapy sessions to undo all the super-positive, encouraging blather youve been feeding them, I was initially ticked off.

3 mins read

8 Things to Stop Doing Just for One Day

Relax…I said “STOP doing.” It takes more effort to continue doing most of these things than to stop for just a day. It won’t hurt you, and it might actually help. 1. Stop Nagging Try not to nag your kids or your husband about what they should be doing or what they’re doing wrong. Instead, focus on the positive and compliment them for what they are doing right. This may just give you a whole new perspective on your attitude. 2. Stop Eating Processed Foods