2 mins read

Hints for Cleaning Walls

Many modern moms struggle with cleaning stains left by rough-and-tumble tots off of their walls. Because of the potentially fragile nature of wall paint, these surfaces cannot be scrubbed as vigorously as some, making cleaning more difficult. To ensure that you are successful in your quest to get your walls clean, keep some wall cleaning tips in mind when you tackle projects of this type.

3 mins read

10 Helpful Emailing Hints to Conquer Your Inbox

Technology is a blessing and a curse. I love how much easier talking to a pal or organizing a meeting has become, but sometimes I just want to throw my computer and smart phone out the window- from the 10th floor. You know what I mean? It gets worse when I neglect my inbox for a few days to get away. Here are 10 rules of emailing organization and etiquette that will help you stay sane, be polite and save your computer from crashing 10 floors below.