7 mins read

The Best Credit Cards for Teens: Smart Financial Start

Which Credit Card Should Your Teen Get? Just when you thought you were finally getting over the college applications, you now have to think about sending your kid to college and hoping they will make smart decisions - and that includes the money part too. Let’s face it, financial literacy is an essential skill for…

5 mins read

10 Tips To Manage Your Household Budget

Taking care of a family is hard enough, but managing the finances can seem next to impossible. Not only do you want to give them everything you can, but you also want to do it all without breaking the bank. Here are 10 ways to create and manage a budget that you can stick to…

2 mins read

Get Ready To Jumpstart Your Summer Fun!

Thank you Fobbles for partnering with us on this post. Looking for a way to add some extra fun to your summer? Fobbles is the answer! What is Fobbles you might ask? Well, it is the only portable machine that makes fog, haze, bubbles and its most important and coolest feature - fog-filled bubbles! What?!…

6 mins read

How These Moms Won Big Bucks for Losing Weight!

“I felt like people treated me differently when I was overweight; they didn’t take me as seriously or respect me,” says Jennie, describing her weight loss transformation. Now she says, “I feel alive. I have my confidence back!” A year ago, Jennie weighed almost 200 pounds — and she needed a change. “I totally hated…

2 mins read

How to Create a Child’s Behavior Chart

Altering or shaping a child’s behavior takes incentive, consistency and patience. Creatively find ways to encourage your child to behave the way you desire, such as with a behavior chart. Ask Dr. Sears and the National Center for Learning Disabilities (LD) both recommend behavior charts that offer tangible rewards when your child exhibits desired behavior. Dr. Sears advises making the charts fun, changing them often, hanging them in a highly visible location and getting your child involved in creating and maintaining the chart.