2 mins read

How to Prevent Calcium Deposits on the Joints

Aches and pains can take some of the fun out of everyday parenting. Joint pain can be especially nasty when it comes to tasks and games that require repetitive movements. One type of joint pain, pseudogout, results when calcium deposits form in the joints. Pseudogout, a form of arthritis and a type of gout, can result from a variety of other health conditions or injuries. Treating the underlying cause of this condition, as well as taking preventive measures to reduce the occurrence of future attacks, may help relieve your pain and swelling.

3 mins read

Fitness During Pregnancy

While some women elect to make their pregnancy a time of rest and relaxation, others commit to be fit throughout the nine months. By working to maintain or build your fitness level during your pregnancy, you may be able to make the process of bringing your new little one into the world a bit easier and allow yourself to more rapidly shed the pounds you pack on while carrying your soon-to-arrive infant.