3 mins read

Birth Control That Doesn’t Cause Weight Gain

Hormonal birth control, including the pill, patch, vaginal ring and birth control shots, is one of the most popular contraceptive choices. Unfortunately, while hormones are a great way to prevent pregnancy, they do come with side effects, including weight gain, according to the Women’s Health Resource website. Lower doses or alternate delivery methods can reduce the likelihood that you’ll gain, or you can opt for a different type of birth control altogether. Consider your options carefully to select a birth control method that works for you, prevents pregnancy and does not pack on the pounds.

4 mins read

Why Our Daughters Need To Play More Video Games

Girls today are steering away from math, science and computers in record numbers.According to the U.S. Department of Education, the percentage of women graduates in computer science is at a 39-year low. In 2012, women in the U.S. earned only 19% of all math and computer science degrees (compared to 37% 20 years ago) and made up less than 25% of the workers in engineering and computer-related fields. Fewer than 10 percent …

3 mins read

Teen Obesity

Obesity is a common eating disorder associated with adolescence. According to MayoClinic.com, the primary cause of obesity in teens is the same as it is for adults: eating too much and getting too little exercise. Obesity is more than an aesthetic issue — it can be detrimental to your child’s physical and social health.

4 mins read

Healthy Body Weight for Kids

Kids make up a significant portion of the rising obesity rates in the United States. Being overweight as a kid increases the odds that you’ll be overweight later in life, and that you’ll develop obesity-related medical conditions. As a parent, you may be better off looking at your child’s health and the quality of his diet than the numbers on the scale as you work toward getting him to his healthy weight.