3 mins read

Natural Chicken Pox Relief

An itchy, cranky child with chicken pox puts you on full-time parent patrol until the illness has run its course. According to MayoClinic.Com, if your child is otherwise healthy, her pediatrician may not recommend specific medical treatment. Simple home remedies and a mother’s tender loving care can give your child natural chicken pox relief.

6 mins read

Meet the Single Mom Taking the Beauty Industry by Storm

For decades, the beauty industry has helped shape the narrative around femininity and played a major role in the evolution of consumerism and gender norms as they exist today—the good, the bad, and the ugly. But, one mom is painting a new narrative around beauty, and the beholder, using the brushstrokes of self-love, radical inclusivity,…

3 mins read

10 Ways to Ward Off That Winter Cold!

We’ve all experienced it – the stuffy nose, sore throat, exhausted feeling that has you reaching for the thermometer. There’s nothing worse than getting bogged down with a bad cold, especially during the holiday season. So here are ten easy tips for fighting off winter colds: 1. Rest Your body needs lots of it! That means instead of running all those errands, you get yourself in bed. You need to save your energy in order for your immune system to get rid of that cold. 2. Drink Plenty of Fluids