3 mins read

Earth Day Crafts, Games, and Activities to Do with Your Kids

Earth Day will be taking place on April 22nd this year as an annual reminder to protect the environment and live green. With a little effort, you can reduce your negative impact by recycling, using less water, and turning off lights when not in use. This is also a perfect chance to teach little ones about cherishing the earth and natural resources through fun activities and projects. By engaging your kids in environmentally friendly activities early on, they can reap good habits of sustainable living as adults. Crafts

2 mins read

Kids’ Nature Activities

Nature opens up the imagination and wonder of children, from the toddler years on. As adults, it’s sometimes difficult to remember the thrill you felt chasing fireflies on hot summer evenings or the excitement of a toad popping up from behind plants. Spending time outdoors exploring nature with your own children brings back memories of those carefree days. As a bonus, your kids get an interactive lesson about how nature works.

5 mins read

5 Ways to Organize a Neighborhood Party

A neighborhood party is a great way to get to know the people who live around you. There are countless ways to bring people together, including the five discussed here. As with any party, be sure to send out invitations more than 3 weeks in advance. Requesting an RVSP from guests is essential so you can know how much food to prepare. And even if you know your neighbors well, it does not hurt to plan some ice-breaking activities. Let’s party!