3 mins read

Movie Recommendations for Children

Many modern moms delight in taking a temporary break from their children and allowing them to watch a movie. There are a number of factors that you should consider when selecting a movie for your child. As you seek recommendations for sure-to-please movies, some factors will impact the appropriateness of your choices.

5 mins read

Maximize Your Money: Smart Moves for Your Tax Refund!

Excited to see that money coming into the bank account? Already thinking about how to spend it in advance? It's important to recognize that receiving a tax refund isn't just a stroke of luck; it's a sign of financial responsibility and diligent tax planning. However, it's crucial not to fall victim to spending frivolously. Instead,…

5 mins read

Harvard and Other Elite Schools End Test Optional Applications: What You Need to Know

In a move that has rekindled discussions about the role of standardized tests in college admissions, Harvard University has recently announced that it will reintroduce SAT and ACT scores as a requirement for its application process. This decision marks a significant shift from the temporary test-optional policies adopted by many institutions during the pandemic. Understandably,…

1 min read

Season of Giving

Dear Teachers, We hope this message finds you well and in good spirits as the holiday season approaches! At ModernMom.com, we understand the importance of your role in shaping the minds of our future generations, and we deeply appreciate all the hard work you do throughout the year. As the holidays draw near, we want…