4 mins read

The New Technology Police

unny, I thought parents and teachers were supposed to keep an eye on our kids.Yet there is a technology company whose mission is to sell schools daily monitoring reports of students’ social media chats. For a fee, the company, Geo Listening, tracks students social media posts. Schools then receive daily reports sorted into the following categories: cyber bullying, despair, hate, crime, vandalism, truancy, and substance abuse.Why? We adults are failing in our efforts …

2 mins read

New Tra-Dish: Ragú Baked Pizza Ziti

The following post is sponsored byRagPut a fun new spin on a classic recipe and make a New Tra-Dish! Today’s dinner idea is brought to you from Mommy Diaries of a Florida Mom.We love this great idea for family pizza night – Pizza Baked Ziti!Check out her post:For whatever reason, in a lot of households, Friday Night = Pizza Night. It definitely was in our home until my son was born …