2 mins read

How to Plan a Pregnancy

While some pregnancies are happy surprises, others are planned with precision akin to a space shuttle launch. If you and your spouse have developed the itch to add to your family, dedicating yourselves to pregnancy planning may be a wise choice. By actively planning your next pregnancy, you can help ensure that you and your body are prepared for the rigors of pregnancy and of adjusting to having a newborn to care for.

4 mins read

Behavior Plans for a Problem Child

Children who prove continually problematic may behave better with the guidance of a behavior plan. The purpose of a behavior plan is not only to ensure that the child’s behavior stays within acceptable norms, but also to teach him how to behave properly in the future. By building a behavior plan yourself, or partnering with a medical professional to create this plan, you can increase the likelihood that your child modifies his behavior and learns the skills necessary to behave properly.

3 mins read

Toddler Airplane Safety

Airplane travel can be stressful. Traveling with a unpredictable toddler can be an absolute nightmare, or a dream — depending on his mood. Take one factor out of the equation by ensuring his safety throughout the trip. While you can’t guarantee that he will be an angel throughout the experience, you can ensure that your little angel or devil will be safe throughout the entire ordeal.