Search Results for: potential dangers
What Are the Dangers of Ultrasounds & Pregnancy?
Ultrasounds aren’t a necessary part of ordinary prenatal care but may be desired by the expectant parents or even deemed medically necessary in the event of potential pregnancy complications, notes the American Pregnancy Association. This type of scan, also known as a sonogram, can be used throughout pregnancy to detect potentially dangerous conditions such as tubal pregnancy or fetal death. Ultrasounds can also be used to estimate delivery dates, check the mother’s reproductive system for any abnormalities and even to guess the future child’s sex. While ultrasounds are not considered extremely risky by medical institutions such as the Mayo Clinic, expectant moms should avoid them unless absolutely necessary.
The Dangers of Children on Facebook
Your 5th grader arrives home from school and tells you that John (and you get a nervous feeling in your belly because John is the boy who picks on her and is known as the class Bully) took a picture of her with his phone and said he is going to take her clothes off in the picture then post it on Facebook.
What Are the Dangers of Permanent Makeup?
To some women, permanent makeup is a potentially exciting way to reduce the time spent on daily beauty care, especially when it comes to more complicated makeup applications, such as eyeliner. However, the risks of getting permanent makeup are virtually identical to those of getting tattoos, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Mayo Clinic. Moms run a number of potential risks when opting for this permanent beauty treatment, some which can even be life-threatening.
Permanent Makeup Dangers
It may be tempting to get one or more items of permanent makeup, such as eyeliner or lip color. While permanent makeup can save you time and drama, the risks are similar to those of tattoos, according to the Food and Drug Administration and the Mayo Clinic. Before deciding to get that permanent eyeliner or blusher strokes, learn all you can about the potential drawbacks so you don’t one day regret your beauty decision.
Helping Kids Understand the Dangers of Smoking
Every day, 3,600 kids between the ages of 12 and 17 start smoking, according to estimates by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A fact sheet on youth and tobacco use states that 20 percent of high school students in the United States were current smokers in 2007. Ninety percent of adults who smoke are likely to have started smoking as kids, according to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP). These numbers are startling and continue to be a cause for concern. The fact is, kids continue to start smoking despite the fact that there is so much information and statistical data available that ought to deter them. It is the responsibility of parents, caregivers, teachers and mentors to help kids understand the dangers of smoking. This article offers tips and step-by-step instructions to help you in the process.