3 mins read

Fat Burning Diets for Women

According to Prevention Magazine, women gain about 1.5 lb. each year in adulthood. This translates to 40 lb. by the age of 50. Combat the weight gain with a fat-burning diet that targets the female metabolism. Combined with exercise and enough rest, a fat-burning diet keeps you feeling healthier for years to come.

2 mins read

How to Prevent Hair Loss Tips

Most people, including teen girls and adult women, lose at least 50 hairs per day, according to the Teens Health website. However, sustained and prolonged hair loss can lead to potentially embarrassing female pattern balding, according to the Mayo Clinic. While genetics play a significant role in how much hair you’ll lose during your lifetime, you can reduce the risk of major hair loss by making a few basic hair care and lifestyle changes.

2 mins read

How to Make My Own Stretch Mark Prevention Cream for Pregnancy

Stretch marks–those dark red or purple streaks that can develop on your stomach, thighs, breasts, arms and buttocks and that make wearing a bathing suit of any kind such a trial–are a common complaint of pregnant women during their last trimester, according to the Mayo Clinic. Stretch marks are caused during pregnancy by the stretching of the skin as the baby grows and you gain weight. A wide variety of commercial creams, balms and lotions are available to prevent the development of these marks by keeping the skin hydrated and supple. Natural remedy websites, such as Homemade Medicine and All About Stretch Marks, however, contain many similar stretch mark creams that can be made inexpensively at home. Naturopathic medicine promotes a holistic approach to health with minimal use of surgeries and drugs. Please make sure to consult your physician before attempting naturopathic remedies at home.