2 mins read

Long-Term Effects of Fertility Drugs

Taking fertility drugs can help you realize your dream of giving birth to your own child, but they are not necessarily risk-free, according to both the American Fertility Association and Baby Center. Whether the drugs actually work, hopeful moms who take prescription fertility aids might experience potential long-term problems, such as ovarian cancer or children with birth defects.

11 mins read

The Five Things I Learned In My Rookie Year Being A Working Mom

This Fall, I celebrated my first anniversary of returning to work after becoming a first-time mother. Ironically, in the same month, I started a new job. In retrospect, it's not a coincidence. They say the first year is the hardest for significant life changes. It's a period of unknowns, new obstacles, and inevitable mistakes made…

5 mins read

Tough Conversations with Kids: Honesty is Key

This article was written by Kelly McNelis, founder of Women For One Be honest with your children instead of sugar coating or avoiding hard topics Our kids are watching us all the time. If they see us avoiding hard topics, or backing away from the things that make us uncomfortable, we teach them to play it safe…