2 mins read

Mother’s Day Gifts You’ll Really Like

It's almost Mother's Day so it's definitely time to give some hints to help out your kids/partner or to shop for your own mom. Here are a few ideas we would love to receive - practical but cool! We all could drink more water, so why not enliven your water with GEMS! Yep, ViA is…

5 mins read

The Worst Gifts You’ve Ever Received

They say it’s really the thought that counts, and that you shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth… but what if that horse has really bad teeth? We’ve all been there – smiling through gritted teeth as we profess great thanks for a truly terrible present. Madonna famously had a meltdown when she was given hydrangeas (everyone knows she prefers roses!). The Trojans got a giant wooden horse that led to the destruction of their city. That was definitely a bummer.

1 min read

Come Clean, Parents! | What’s Your Real Cleaning Style?

Raising kids is the toughest job in the world, and no parent is perfect (in spite of what's posted on your Instagram feed). Fortunately, appearances don’t matter when we’re spending time with our families, and we get to be who we really are. And the fact is, from time to time, we all have to make some compromises—smelly,…

4 mins read

How Selfless Are You, Really?

Do you truly think youre selfless? I bet most of us think we are, but in reality we might not be. A true act of selflessness is when you perform an act of kindness without any regard for yourself or your own interest.Meaning that after you paid for coffee for that dude in Starbucks, you dont blast it on Facebook. Its acting in total anonymity.Its not letting the world …

4 mins read

Why Some “Free” Games Aren’t Really Free

My hubby, being a software developer and a geek, put me onto a website called Gamasutra.com. Its a gaming developer site but it does a pretty good job at explaining the monetization (yes, its a mouthful) of games such as Farmville, Smurfs Village or most recently Zyngas Candy Cane Crush game (which I havent played).