2 mins read

Fertility Herbs for Women

Many women who struggle with infertility are willing to try almost anything if the attempts result in a baby in their arms. For some women, experimentation with herbs may aid in a subsequent pregnancy. While little research backs many herbal fertility enhancement claims, some proud moms swear by the effectiveness of these natural compounds. If you do attempt to ramp up your fertility with the aid of herbs, take care to avoid mixing your herbal remedies with other medications, including prescribed fertility drugs, as doing so could produce a negative result.

2 mins read

Yoga Treatment for Menopausal Women

If you are between the ages of 45 and 55, and your heart is racing (but not because you want sex), you have hot flashes, night sweats, problems sleeping, mood swings and irregular periods, you are probably menopausal. The good news is that these symptoms are temporary. Still, you probably want to be as comfortable as possible during the duration. One way to reduce your symptoms is to practice relaxation techniques. Yoga treatment helps many menopausal women.

3 mins read

What Vitamins Decrease Sexual Desire?

There is no definitive list of vitamins that decrease sexual desire. Although one natural supplement may decrease sexual desire, lifestyle changes and prescription drugs, not vitamins, are commonly linked to decreasing desire. Everyday occurrences including stress, dealing with children, boredom and low self-esteem can hurt a person’s sex drive. Much research has been done on which vitamins improve sexual desire, but there doesn’t seem to be a high demand for vitamins that decrease sexuality. If you’re looking for vitamins that decrease sexual desire, you’re best off talking to your health care practitioner. Ask her about taking herbal supplements, prescription medications or making lifestyle changes. Sexual desire is rather elusive, especially for women, and highly individualized.

2 mins read

What Type of Vitamins Help Fertility?

When you are trying to conceive, taking steps to improve your fertility can help speed the process and ensure a healthy pregnancy. Several different vitamins and herbal supplements do appear to improve or enhance fertility or help to prevent problems in the earliest part of pregnancy. Think carefully about taking any supplements other than a prenatal vitamin when trying to conceive, and consult your physician, naturopath or herbalist for further information and assistance.

3 mins read

Pregnancy at 34 Weeks

The 34th week of pregnancy is considered part of the eighth month and third trimester. During the third trimester, many symptoms, such as nausea and fatigue, may return. The mother is gaining approximately 1 lb. per week, and the baby is rapidly approaching delivery. Babies born at 34 weeks are considered premature but have an excellent survival rate.