3 mins read

Methods of Relieving Stress

Stress accompanies the busy lifestyles of many families today. Stress is often accepted as a way of life. While some stress is normal, constant and significant stress may cause or perpetuate physical symptoms or health problems. Increased blood pressure, risk of heart problems, suppression of the immune system, and faster aging may be exacerbated by extreme stress. Methods of relieving stress come in many forms and are adaptable to fit your lifestyle.

2 mins read

Relieving Dry Skin: Part Two

Dry skin just doesn’t effect the body, feet and hands. Many of us also have chapped lips and a dry flakey complexion. It is very important to keep the skin hydrated and moisturized as much as possible. Using a light moisturizer during the day and a heavier one at night is always good practice. Skin creams can range from $5.00 to $800.00, it really just depends on what you can afford and the results that you are looking for.

2 mins read

Homeopathic Asthma Relief

Asthma medications often come with risk, and some asthma patients prefer to search for alternative ways to relieve their asthma symptoms. Homeopathic asthma treatments, while not always accepted by mainstream doctors, have been shown in several studies to be effective in reducing asthma symptoms. While it is always important to consult with your doctor before changing the way you treat your asthma, it is smart to be aware of what your treatment options are so you can take charge of your health.

5 mins read

How to Prioritize at Work When Everything is a Top Priority

It’s mid-way through January, but I’m still making my list of work-related New Year’s resolutions. One of my biggest challenges is how to prioritize my workload and manage the competing demands for my time, but without upsetting my family, manager, clients or coworkers. Sound familiar? It’s easy to fall into a rut of viewing every…

2 mins read

Ways to Relieve Constipation in Children

If your child’s regular bowel movement schedule slows and her stools seem hard and dry, she might be constipated. Constipation causes a child discomfort, and she might have difficulty having a bowel movement. There are several ways to help relieve your child’s constipation at home, but if the symptoms persist, contact your child’s doctor.