3 mins read

Head Lice Remedies

Understanding the life cycle of head lice will help you understand how the various treatments options work. The female, which can live for up to three weeks, lays her eggs, also called “nits,” directly onto the hair shaft at the base of the head. Once attached, these eggs are difficult to remove, which is why just washing your hair does not work as a lice remedy. The eggs hatch six to nine days later and almost immediately start to bite the scalp for blood, their primary food source. Without proper treatment, the life cycle continues.

3 mins read

Child Care Tips for Teething Pain

The UAB Health System cautions that teething typically lasts about two years starting when a baby is only five to seven months old. For many children, teething can be very painful and aggravating. As a result, many babies will begin to fuss and cry more than normal when teething. This behavior can upset the entire household. These child care tips for teething pain will help manage teething pain to eliminate these frustrating moments.

3 mins read

Seasonal Allergies and Breastfeeding Moms

The flowers are blooming, the sun is shining and there is a feeling of fun in the air. Everyone at this time of year is beginning to think about barbecues and picnics – except for the allergy suffer who is thinking about itchy eyes, a stuffy nose, and the embarrassing constant sneezing. Over the counter and prescription medications often work well for allergy suffers but although most are safe for breastfeeding moms, some moms feel a decrease in breast milk because allergy medications can dry up secretions. But dont despair, there are other options available!

3 mins read

Homemade Spa Treatments

The following is a guest post by Jackie Burns Brisman, Editor, SpaFinder Wellness Between busy work schedules, play dates, school functions, dinner, laundry, and keeping the overall household balance in check – its a surprise some moms can even find the time to shower these days!

2 mins read

Ways to Heal Acne Scars

Individuals who suffer from acne don’t only have to worry about their blemishes, but also the scars blemishes may leave behind. If past acne struggles have left you with skin that isn’t as smooth as you would like, you might be able to remedy this problem. Select a scar healing method that works to eradicate heartbreaking acne reminders.