Search Results for: residential
Presidential Baby Names
Is there any task more difficult than choosing a babys name? Itll stick with them for a lifetime, so theres a lot riding on the parents decision. Youll want your child to aim high in life, so why not start with the name? These baby names are unique enough to set your child away from the pack of Johns and Jameses, yet theyre dignified in that they have graced the birth certificates of past presidents. Check out our 5 favorite presidentially-inspired baby names: Madison
How To Use this Presidential Race As Teaching Moments
During the Jimmy Carter/Gerald Ford presidential contest in 1976, my chic DC parents threw one of their many chic DC dinner parties. I was helping mom (who was wearing a pink and orange halter top and matching skirt) just as the guests were about to arrive. “Turn around that trash can!” Mom told me in…
Life Lessons for Kids Learned From the Presidential Race
I was raised, and am raising my three kids, in Washington, DC. I visited the Carter White House routinely as a kid. My children all groan when traffic is stopped for the Vice President’s motorcade. The whole family is on a first name basis with Malia Obama’s Secret Service detail. You’d think my kids and…
Hooking Kids on Presidential Politics
I live in Washington, DC, where sightings and even conversations with politicians such as Hillary Clinton and President Obama are common. Maybe as a result, my three teenagers keep an eye on presidential campaigning. Even six months before the first caucus. My 16-year-old daughter has been excited, literally for years, that she will turn 18…
10 Summer Activities to Supercharge Your College Application Before Sophomore Year!
Congratulations on finishing your freshman year! As you move into your sophomore year of high school, here are 10 important steps you can take during the summer to enhance your college application: 1. Assess Your Interests and Goals: Start by reflecting on your academic interests and career aspirations. Identify areas you are passionate about and…