Search Results for: respond
Woman Photoshops Herself with “Perfect Body” To Respond To Cyber-Bullying
Cassey Ho is a fitness trainer who provides Pilates and bootcamp workout videos on her YouTube channel. She is super fit and healthy yet is a victim of cyber-bullying and body shaming. She receives tons of negative and nasty comments about her body - and decided to take control and do something about it. Cassey knows how hurtful comments…
Readers Respond: What to Call a Step-Parent?
We recently published an article – “The Trouble With Labels: What Do You Call A Stepmom?” – on the tricky situations that can arise in blended families.
Readers Respond: When Is It Ok To Discipline Other People’s Kids?
We recently published an article – “When Is It Ok To Discipline Other People’s Kids?” – on when (and if) it’s acceptable to step in and discipline another person’s child and we were overwhelmed by responses! While almost all of you agree that it’s NEVER ok to use physical discipline, such as spanking, opinions were much more divided over whether an adult should step in and verbally address bad behavior. Here’s what we heard from our readers:
Red Cross Responds to Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami
As most of you know on Friday, March 11, 2011, a massive 8.9 earthquake, which resulted in a tsunami hit Japan and caused extensive destruction.
Cold & Flu Framework for Responding to Symptoms
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the common cold and flu are viruses that cause some degree of respiratory distress. The cold and flu viruses are so similar, in fact, it’s often difficult to distinguish their symptoms. Though there is no cure for either virus, you can treat the symptoms associated with each illness.