Search Results for: reviewed
7 Baby Monitors Tested and Reviewed For The New Mom
As a a first time mom, there can be a lot of things that scare you. (Read: my story.) As soon as your baby is born, you come to the overwhelming realization that it's your sole responsibility to keep make sure baby thrives. This means feeding baby, changing baby, making sure baby naps and generally just keep an eye…
Can You Believe It? Health Hype Vs. Medical Science
I went to medical school a long time ago. In another millennium, on another coast, in a galaxy far, far away. I’ve forgotten a lot of what I learned, back in the dark ages before Twitter, and even Facebook. But the information I’ve learned since then has more than made up for what I’ve lost.…
Shore Up Your Families’ Health For Fall Travel
This post is in partnership with Goodgut. Fall is an absolutely ideal time for families to enjoy seasonal travel. The American Automobile Association (AAA) indicates that Americans will be hitting the highways, and airways, in droves this autumn. In many states, the changing scenery is spectacular —and often the weather isn’t too hot…or too cold. …
Baby Brain Development in the Womb
Your baby’s brain starts developing almost at the moment of conception, according to the Long Island Spectrum Center website. By the time you are three weeks pregnant, the developing embryo has formed a neural groove, which is the foundation for the brain structure. By the time your baby is born, her brain will have over 100 billion neurons.
How To Tame The Back-To-School Chaos
This article is in partnership with HelloFresh. It’s that time of year we both love and hate. Adding some routine back into our lives is a good thing, but the hazy, lazy days of summer are super tough to give up. Let’s face it, none of us have enough time in the day so in…