2 mins read

Keeping Our Schools Safe

As we mark the 5th anniversary of Sandy Hook, it’s a critical time to examine how schools have evolved in implementing security upgrades. Parents often wonder if their school is doing everything it can to keep their children safe. The school office can often feel like Grand Central Station at times, with a revolving door…

4 mins read

Pay It Forward… With Lattes?

Sometimes our seemingly smallest acts can have the largest impact — and what’s more profound is that we might never even know just how much. Take the Starbucks drive-thru, for example.

6 mins read

Shielding Our Kids From the Harsh Realities of Life

This is a lovely guest post by Stuart M. Perkinsfrom Storyshucker. My daughter is an intelligent, funny, beautiful young lady already in her late teens I still wrestle with that fact.Not longago I watched as she drove upin her car, walked in high heels, and made a phone call about her job. I was remindedthat sadly I was no longer looking at mylittlegirl. Id been reminded of …

2 mins read

NeatDesk Digital Filing System

So as I mentioned in my Tech New Years Resolution post, I never stick to my New Years resolutions and this year was no different. I pretty much fell off the wagon immediately after I wrote my original post but flash forward to May and I have revisited #3 – Monitor my finances weekly.