3 mins read

Sexual Desire During Pregnancy

Myths about sexual activity during pregnancy abound, but the idea that sex will harm the baby or the mother, or that the baby somehow “knows” mommy and daddy are having sex, are simply false. Unless there are complications such as a history of miscarriage or leaking amniotic fluid that may prompt your health care provider to advise against it, sexual activity during pregnancy is normal, natural and healthy. Whether you desire sex while you are pregnant is a different matter altogether.

6 mins read

Cancer Forced Me To Take An Unlikely Path To Parenthood

The following is a guest post by Alice K. CrisciWhen I met my son for the first time his eyes were wide open. His little eyes locked onto mine with such love and intensity, I knew then the concept of my life would never be the same was now a reality. My heart exploded with love, gratitude and joy, permanently captured by this 7 pound squishy baby with such long hair it could cover …

1 min read

Brooke Burke: Happy New Year!

Christmas came and went, not soon enough if Im speaking the truth. I hate the over-indulgence of the holiday – too many presents, too much food and waaaaay too much to do. Days spent wrapping gifts that quickly become room clutter for the kids, only too soon to become the toy thats at the bottom of the pile.Next year, Im starting a homemade gift giving tradition so everyone in my family, including …