Search Results for: shortest period
Pregnancy With Irregular Periods
It isn’t uncommon for women to experience variations in their periods, but if irregular menstrual cycles persist over several months, you probably have irregular periods. Long menstrual cycles can cause a woman difficulties when it comes to getting pregnant. Irregular periods may mean that you are ovulating less often, reducing your chances of pregnancy.
Women After Menopause
Menopause, sometimes referred to as the change of life, is not a disease, disability or medical condition. It is a normal, natural part of every woman’s life cycle. By definition occurring 12 months after a woman’s final menstrual period, it marks the end of her reproductive fertility. While menopause may signal a change of life, it may be viewed as a new beginning.
When is the Rhythm Method of Birth Control Safe?
While jokes abound about the rhythm method, it can be a reliable method of natural family planning that prevents pregnancy effectively. Modern knowledge about fertility patterns and signs can help you to make good choices about when to engage in sexual activity and when to abstain, when you are using the rhythm method. To know when you are safe and when you are not, you need to know your own cycle and your body.
How Can I Get Pregnant Quickly?
If you and your partner have decided that now is the right time to have a baby, you are probably hoping to determine plenty of ways to get pregnant as quickly and safely as possible. While medical science doesn’t offer 100 percent guarantees when it comes to maximizing your fertility, doctors do offer a number of classic tips that can potentially help you get pregnant fast, notes
Pregnancy Week-By-Week Symptoms
Your pregnancy will likely be the most tenuous, unpredictable 40 weeks of your life. Each week brings new feelings, new emotions and new sensations. Some of your bodily changes will reflect the development of the little one inside you. Enjoy your baby’s growth as much as you can while your body undergoes pain, stretching and movement.